Recurring sessions, classes, events and appointments can be listed on your business schedule.
Before services can be listed on your schedule, you will need to create Session, Class, Event and Appointment Types for each offering. To do so, please click on Schedule at the top of the ScheduleBliss Admin. From here click the drop-down menu + Click to Schedule... and then select Classes and click the Go button. This will open up the Classes Manager. From here, click + Create New Classes Type and give a Name and Description to each of your class types. Click Add Classes Type to save each class type. Once you have saved a Class Type, you can add another one or immediately schedule it by clicking the green Schedule button next to your newly created Class Type.
Setting Up Classes
When setting up your classes: In the Select Days & Times section of the Class Scheduler make sure that you don't tick more than one day (unless this class is truly a series style class). This will make sure that the class is not "linked" to another class. The reason not to link classes is that it gives you much more freedom to adjust the class later without affecting other classes. Always remember that linked class need to start and end on the same date and you can't unlink the classes once they are linked.
Setting Up Events
Unlike classes that have all program passes valid by default, events require that you add the passes of your choosing that you would like to be valid for sign up and check-in.
To add valid passes, please go to to the event in the schedule and select Edit->Valid Passes-> Enable Pass
for all the passes you would like.
Additionally, after adding valid passes, the best way to direct clients to sign up for events is via your events page or schedule rather than through pricing. The pricing page allows clients to purchase a pass for an event without making a reservation. By navigating directly to the schedule or events, clients will sign up at purchase and registration will be automatic.
Setting Capacity
Once a class or event has been scheduled, you can set attendance capacity by going to Schedule-> Edit
next to any occurrence to set:
Total Capacity
: the total amount of clients permitted
Allowed Online Reservations
: the number of online signups permitted
Allowed to Waitlist
: the number of clients permitted to waitlist
Once the limit of online reservations is reached, additional ones will be sent to the waitlist if allowed.
The best way to remove a class from remaining on the schedule is to go to Schedule-> Edit
next to any occurrence of that class and change the End Date
to the last day you wish it to be scheduled. The class will no longer appear on the schedule after the selected end date but all historical records of the class will remain in the system.
Deleting all Occurrences
Deleting All Occurrences
removes all historical records of the class from the system. In order to completely delete all occurrences of a class from the schedule go to Check-In
for each occurrence of that class and uncheck-in all clients from every one starting from the start date. By unchecking-in all clients and deleting all occurrences it will be as if the class never took place and there will be no record in the system at all.
Canceling a Class
To cancel a class go to the class in the Schedule->Cancel
. If you would like that session canceled select Check to Cancel this Session
. A cancelation will show up with a line through it on the online schedule by default and you can add text of your choosing if you would like. If you would like to hide the cancelation from view instead select Check to Hide Cancellation from Online Schedule
. You can also cancel a range of dates by entering a start and end date for the cancellation.
Changing Staff or Time for a Scheduled Class
The best thing to do when you want to make a staff or time change is to end the class and add a new one in its place. To do this, please go to Schedule->Edit
next to any occurrence of that class and change the end date to the last day you want the class to remain as is. Once you have done so, you can schedule the new class with the new staff member or time with a new start date.